As part of its ongoing commitment to encourage extended research on cities and urbanism, City Center is responsible of the creation of academic workshops for established researchers and research students alike, in Tel Aviv University or in collaboration with other academic institutions worldwide.
14-15 October 2020
The purpose of the workshop is to highlight parallel research efforts, particularly in emerging opportunities for collaboration between TAU and UZH's Digital Society Initiative (DSI) in the fields of Smart Cities / Mobility, Data Science / Data Management, and Digital Democracy / Communication.
7-8 April 2019
The conference was held with the support of Tel Aviv University; the Faculty of Exact Sciences at TAU; and CODATA – Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Task Group for “Data Integration & Data Science for Urban Life and Smart Cities”.
28 February 2019
A workshop organized by TAU City Center: Meeting Mr Tibor Pogácsás, Hungarian Minister of State Responsible for Local Government.
23-24 October 2018
International Students Workshop organized by TAU City Center in collaboration with Biennale Sessions, the special Programme for Higher Education Institutions at La Biennale di Venezia’s 16h International Architecture Exhibition.
17 June 2018
Special event: CityZoom, the Shlomo Shemelzer Institute for Smart Transportation and City Center's organized meeting at Tel Aviv University involving the first circle of researchers and activists on cities and urban issues.