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Chicago - TAU Workshop 2019

Organized by TAU City Center with Chicago University Researchers
 - 08 April 2019 | Tel Aviv University 

The conference will be held with the support of Tel Aviv University; the Faculty of Exact Sciences at TAU; and CODATA – Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Task Group for “Data Integration & Data Science for Urban Life and Smart Cities”.


For more information, abstracts and program, click here >

University of Chicago—Tel Aviv University: About the Workshop on Cities and Urbanism

The 21st century started as the age of cities. The Chicago-TAU Workshop will focus on five major aspects of current urbanism: Social inequality and justice; complexity and scaling; big-data, IoT and AoT; cognition; and migration.


The Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation at the University of Chicago aims to face this challenging reality in cities by bringing together “researchers … from the social, natural, and computational sciences, along with the humanities.” In a similar way TAU City Center—Research Center for Cities and Urbanism at Tel Aviv University attempts to face the age of cities by bringing “… together the many TAU researchers – faculty members, graduate and postgraduate researchers – who study various aspects of cities and urbanism.” 


The "University of Chicago—Tel Aviv University Workshop on Cities and Urbanism" is a first step toward the collaboration between urban researchers at the two universities. 

Workshop program

Sunday, April 7 – Yad Avner Building, room 120


13.30-14.00    Gathering


Opening session | Chair: Juval Portugali


14.00-14.30    Prof. Joseph Klafter President of Tel Aviv University Overviews

14.30-15.00    Luis Bettencourt: Towards a Science of Cities

15.00-15.30    Charlie Catlett: Software-Defined Sensors and Virtual Sensing Instruments

15.30-16.00    Juval Portugali: Snow’s Pendulum and the City


16.00-16.30    Break


Complexity, scaling and the city | Chair: Ronit Purian

16.30-17.00    Luis Bettencourt: Complexity, Scaling and Development in Cities

17.00-17.30    Shlomo Havlin: Resilience of interdependent urban infrastructures

17.30-18.00    David Burg, Nir Kaplan & Itzhak Omer: Scaling of cities in Israel?

18.00-18.30    Hermann Haken, Guy Moshe Ross, Juval Portugali: The cognitive dimension of urban allometry


20.30  Dinner

Monday, April 8: Morning – Faculty of Medicine, room 100


09.00-09.30  Gathering


Social inequality, justice and the city | Chair: Tovi Fenster

09.30-10.00   Kate Cagney: Activity space, neighborhood context and health in later life

10.00-10.30    Michal Tzur: Effective and equitable logistics

10.30-11.00     Talia Margalit: Israeli planning in the media: New discourse, old borders

11.00-11.30       Ronit Purian, Nir Kaplan & Itzhak Omer: The spatial shape of social segregation – Everything is                                     related but near things are more separated


11.30-12.00     Break


Big data, AoT, IoT and the city | Chair: Irad Ben-Gal

12.00-12.30     Charlie Catlett: Using computation and new sources of data to understand cities

12.30-13.00     Itzhak Benenson & Eran Ben-Elia: Public transport in a Smart City: Are commuters

                         endangered species?

13.00-13.30     Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, Nimrod Serok, Orr Levy & Shlomo Havlin:
                         Unveiling the inter-relations between the urban streets network and its dynamic traffic flows

13.30-14.00     Tal Raviv: New trends in city logistic – small parcel delivery


14.00-15.00    Lunch

Monday, April 8: Afternoon – Yad Avner Building, room 120


Cognition and the city | Chair: Matti Mintz

15.00-15.30    Marc Berman & Kate Schertz: The Benefits of Urban Greenspace for Cognition and Behavior

15.30-16.00    David Eilam: Animals, humans, homes, and cities

16.00-16.30    Asaf Degani, Ronit Purian & Yael Shmueli: Rules and policies that govern automated vehicle behavior

16.30-17.00    Adva Sahar, Itzhak Omer & Juval Portugali: Cognitive mapping and the free-energy principle

17.00-17.30    Break


Migration and the city | Chair: Noah Lewin-Epstein

17.30-18.00    Daniel Zuend: From population dynamics to Zipf's law

18.00-18.30    Gilles Benguigui: Migration and networks

18.30-19.00    Miri Yemini: Mobile nationalism: Mobility, parenting and belonging

19.00-19.30    Yossi Harpaz: Citizenship 2.0: Dual nationality as a global asset


Concluding notes

19.30-19.40    Luis Bettencourt

19.40-19.50    Charlie Catlett

19.50-20.00   Juval Portugali


Tuesday, April 9, 2019 | Trip: The roots of urbanization

Tel Megiddo – early urbanization;

Shorashim – Alexander’s design;

and more


Klim Levene, Set 72157670779099975, ID 28493220635, Original title DSC04966.jpg

Israeli-Hungarian Smart City Workshop 2019

A workshop organized by TAU City Center: Meeting Mr Tibor Pogácsás, Hungarian Minister of State Responsible for Local Government.
28 February 2019 | Tel Aviv University


08:30-09:00 Gathering


09:00-09:30 Opening presentations

  •     Balázs Darvas, Electronic Administration Dept. (e-gov services): 
        Interacting Digitally with the Public Administration in Hungary

  •     Jesse Rosenblit, Digital Israel, Ministry for Social Equality
        The Digital Israel National Initiative


09:30-10:40 Big urban data, modeling and forecast

A session of presentations by TAU researchers.

  •     Dr. Ronit Purian, Research Center for Cities and Urbanism: 
        Public Participation in Planning – from E-Government to Smart Cities, from pdf to VR

  •     Prof. Itzhak Benenson, Geosimulation & Spatial Analysis Lab (
        GIS and Big Data – Research Projects

  •     Open GIS tools and planning (PhD student Yulia Grinblat)

  •     Adaptive parking pricing (PhD student Nir Fulman)

  •     Urban fires (PhD student Yonatan Shaham)

  •     Are We Ready for Mobility as a Service? Smartcard Data Say – Yes!

  •     PhD student Golan Ben-Dor, GeoSim Lab
        Simulation of Urban Transportation Future


10:40-11:00 Concluding presentation & discussion

  •     Yoav Tal, CTO, Survey of Israel
        Smart Governing Using Geospatial Data and Technologies in Israel

Full program & participants >

VR project report (Heb) >

Photo credit: Klim Levene via Wikimedia commons, original title DSC04966

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-09 at 10.33.58.jpeg

Venice Architecture Biennale: FREESPACE Workshop

International Students Workshop organized by TAU City Center
 -24 October 2018 | Venice Architecture Biennale

TAU City Center Graduate Students' FREE SPACE Workshop

in the Context of Biennale Sessions: 

Special Programme for Higher Education Institutions at

La Biennale di Venezia’s 16h International Architecture Exhibition

Venice, October 23-24, 2018


Background: The 16th Biennale International Architecture Exhibition takes place from May 26th to November 25th 2018 at the Giardini and the Arsenale, and around other venues in Venice. This year's exhibition is titled Freespace. Freespace can be a space for opportunity, a democratic space, un-programmed and free for uses not yet conceived. There is an exchange between people and buildings that happens, even if not intended or designed, so buildings themselves find ways of sharing and engaging with people over time, long after the architect has left the scene (from the official Biennale website).


Aim: To bring research students from the world universities to deal with the directions to which current research and practice of smart cities are leading to. Are they leading toward free-space, enslaved-space or a third-space yet to emerge? For more information please see the call for participation here:


Participants: Graduate students (MA and PhD) at any department, which research involves, directly or indirectly, the theme of cities.


Agenda: Graduate students from leading universities around the world, with an ongoing or finished study, will participate in the workshop: 14 speakers will deliver 15 minutes lectures about their academic work. Each lecture will be followed by 5 minutes Q&A from the feedback crowd. 12 students will present their academic work in the form of a poster at the workshop’s poster session.


Date and time: October 23-24, 2018. 

Tuesday 23rd October, 15.30-17.30
Wednesday 24th October, 10.30-17.30


Location: Sale d’Armi G, Arsenale.

The workshop will be held at the Arsenale exhibition venue, where the majority of Biennale Sessions are located, in the Sale d’Armi building, ground floor, next to the Bombarde restaurant. 


Tickets: Biennale Sessions tickets are nominal and participants shall hold a valid ID with photo for the whole duration of the visit. They are valid for multiple accesses to Arsenale and Giardini exhibition venues for three consecutive days. All participants to the Sessions shall hold a valid ticket in order to access the seminar space.

Tickets will be predisposed on Tuesday, October 23rd, at Arsenale exhibition venue’s prepaid ticket office.

Participants will receive an email with the necessary information for tickets collection and with the procedure for possible names change.


Program & lineup:

Lineup >

Full program >

Call for Participation: TAU City Center, Venice 2018 (pdf) >

Map: Sale d’Armi G, Arsenale >

TAU City Center Graduate Students' FREE SPACE Workshop at the Biennale Sessions photo gallery:


"Smart Cities Forum": Center-Periphery Relations

CityZoom, the Shlomo Schmeltzer Institute for Smart Transportation, and City Center special event of the "Smart Cities Forum" of Tel Aviv University, involving he first circle of researchers on issues related to cities and urbanism/ The first meeting will deal with center-periphery relations
17 June 2018 | Tel Aviv University


15:00-15:10     Opening remarks: Ophir Pines-Paz, CityZoom


15:10-15:30      Opening lecture

                        Prof. Yuval Portugali, head of City Center for the Study of cities and Urbanism

15:30-15:50     Dr. Tal Raviv, Shlomo Shemelzer Institute for Smart Transportation

                        "Flexible Public Transportation"

15:50-16:10     Break

16:10-17:20      How to bring the periphery closer to the center using smart technology

                        Discussion moderated by Prof. Irad Ben-Gal: Tel Aviv-Stanford Smart Cities Project

                        Introduction: Speakers will present the picture of the world that emerges from research and practice,                          to enable a connection between technological innovations and traditional planning and existing                                knowledge in the various fields.


17:20-17:30     Break

17:30-18:40    How can the periphery be brought closer to the center through policy decisions

                        Discussion moderated by Ophir Pines: The Local Government Institute and CityZoom

                        Introduction: Speakers will present the picture of the world that emerges from research and practice,                          in order to clarify what are the desired and undesired effects that policy measures can have in front                          of a variety of stakeholders.

18:40-19:00   Summary

Event to be conducted in Hebrew.

Background for the discussion by Prof. Juval Portugali (in Hebrew) >

Forum meeting summary (in Hebrew) >

About CityZoom

CityZoom is an innovation community initiated by the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of the Interior and 'Digital Israel' and led by the Institute for Local Government at Tel Aviv University, Kiryat Atidim, and the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation. The community is focused on promoting innovation with the help of technology in the municipal space and is a bridge between government officials, multinational companies, startups, investors, research bodies, local authorities and all stakeholders.

About The Shlomo Shemeltzer Institute for Smart Transportation at Tel Aviv University

The Shemeltzer Institute for Smart Transportation was established in 2018 with the help of a donation from the Shemeltzer family to commemorate the late Shlomo Shemeltzer, founder of the Shlomo Group. The institute is a multidisciplinary hub that brings together researchers at Tel Aviv University in the fields of artificial intelligence and data science, performance research and human factors analysis. The purpose of the institute is to promote applied research and encourage collaborations, which will contribute to the economy and society in Israel. The institute will hold conferences and workshops, finance advanced research, publish position papers, provide research infrastructures and create platforms for the meeting and transfer of knowledge between academia and the business and public sectors in the smart transportation arena, in Israel and internationally. Head of the Institute: Dr. Tal Raviv. Members of the institute's management: Prof. Michal Tzur and Prof. Irad Ben Gal. Director of the Institute: Dr. Elit Oppenheim.

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