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Publications on cities and urbanism by TAU researchers





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 The Second Urban Revolution: Complexity, cognition and the view from the             

    Israeli-Palestinian periphery (in Hebrew).







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Sarid, A. S., Glynn, P. W., & Tzur, M. (2024). Power distribution in developing countries — Planning for effectiveness and equity. Omega, 123, Article 102976.




Abreek-Zubiedat, F. (2023). Militarized urbanism in the cold war era: The resettlement of the refugees in Khan Younis. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41(6), 1079-1095.

Blakeslee, D., Dar, A., Fishman, R., Malik, S., Pellegrina, H. S., & Bagavathinathan, K. S. (2023). Irrigation and the spatial pattern of local economic development in India. Journal of Development Economics, 161, Article 102997.

Chudnovsky, A., Goldshtein, A., Shashua-Bar, L., Yovel, Y., & Potchter, O. (2023). Bat bio-assisted sampling (BAS) for monitoring urban heat island. Applied Geography, 155, Article 102952.

Chudnovsky, A., Goldshtein, A., Shashua-Bar, L., Yovel, Y., & Potchter, O. (2023). Bat bio-assisted sampling (BAS) for monitoring urban heat island. Applied Geography, 155, Article 102952.

Dadashev, G., Levi, Y., & Nahmias-Biran, B. H. (2023). Implications of de-carbonization policies using an innovative urban transport simulator. Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment, 119, Article 103754.

Duan, J., Zeng, G., Serok, N., Li, D., Lieberthal, E. B., Huang, H. J., & Havlin, S. (2023). Spatiotemporal dynamics of traffic bottlenecks yields an early signal of heavy congestions. Nature Communications, 14(1), 8002. doi:

Fulman, N., & Benenson, I. (2023). Investigating occasional travel patterns based on smartcard transactions. Transport Policy, 141, 152-166.

Gadish, I., Saaroni, H., & Pearlmutter, D. (2023). A predictive analysis of thermal stress in a densifying urban business district under summer daytime conditions in a Mediterranean City. Urban Climate, 48, Article 101298.

Gupta, S. K., Efrati, B., Amir, O., Francos, N., Sternberg, M., & Ben-Dor, E. (2023). Smartphone-based spectroscopy as a tool to estimate soil attributes for the citizen science concept. Smart Agricultural Technology, 5, Article 100327.

Hananel, R., Berechman, J., & Azary-Viesel, S. (2023). Join the Club: Club Goods, Residential Development, and Transportation. Sustainability, 15(1), Article 345.

Hatuka, T. (2023). Public space and public rituals: Engagement and protest in the digital age. Urban Studies, 60(2), 379-392.

Hijazi, B., Tirosh, E., Chudnovsky, A., Saadi, D., & Schnell, I. (2023). The short term adaptation of the autonomic nervous systems (ANS) by type of urban environment and ethnicity. Environmental Research, 218, Article 114929.

Kemp, A. (2023). Paradoxes of Migration Policy Rescaling-Local Migration Policies in Tel Aviv in Times of Restrictionism. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 21(3), 442-456.

Kemp, A. (2023). Urban citizenship revisited: Incorporating migrants and asylum seekers in tel aviv in times of restrictive policing. In Immigration and Integration in Israel and Beyond (pp. 153-171). transcript Verlag.

Malkin, I. (2023). The ancient Greek lottery and modern democracies. In The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities (pp. 24-30). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Malkin, I. (2023). The supreme arbitrator and the dēmos: City founders and reformers. In J. Filonik, C. Plastow, & R. Zelnick-Abramovitz (Eds.), Citizenship in antiquity: Civic communities in the ancient Mediterranean (1st ed., pp. 147-164). (Rewriting antiquity). Routledge.

Meshulam, T., Font-Vivanco, D., Blass, V., & Makov, T. (2023). Sharing economy rebound: The case of peer-to-peer sharing of food waste. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27(3), 882-895.

Nachmany, H., & Hananel, R. (2023). The Urban Renewal Matrix. Land Use Policy, 131, Article 106744.

Nahmias-Biran, B. H., Cohen, S., Simon, V., & Feldman, I. (2023). Large-Scale Mobile-Based Analysis for National Travel Demand Modeling. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(9), Article 369.

Raviv, T. (2023). The service points’ location and capacity problem. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, Article 103216.

Romano, N., Szabó, B., Belmonte, A., Castrignanò, A., Dor, E. B., Francos, N., & Nasta, P. (2023). Mapping soil properties for unmanned aerial system–based environmental monitoring. In Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments (pp. 155-178). Elsevier.

Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y., & Fenster, T. (2023). Settler-colonial dispossession in West Jerusalem: between the personal and the collective. Settler Colonial Studies, 13(2), 159-173.

Serok, N., Havlin, S., & Lieberthal, E. B. (2023). Enhancing Traffic Flow Efficiency through an Innovative Decentralized Traffic Control Based on Traffic Bottlenecks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.13864.

Tavor, S., & Raviv, T. (2023). Anticipatory rebalancing of RoboTaxi systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 153, Article 104196.

Toch, E., & Ayalon, O. (2023). How Mass surveillance Crowds Out Installations of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), Article 58.

Yemini, M., Lieberthal, E. B., Nahhas, R., Streisfeld, S., Gnaima, Z., Kalderon, M., & Fliss, R. (2023). Place-based education in diverse urban communities: The case of Israel. International Journal of Educational Research, 121, 102224.

Zur, H., & Hatuka, T. (2023). Local–Digital Activism: Place, Social Media, Body, and Violence in Changing Urban Politics. Social Media and Society, 9(2).




Abreek-Zubiedat, F., & Nitzan-Shiftan, A. (2022). Mediterraneanism in conflict: development and settlement of Palestinian refugees and Jewish immigrants in Gaza and Yamit. In T. Sorek (Ed.), Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel (1st. ed., pp. 69-89). (Ethnic and racial studies). Routledge.

Abreek-Zubiedat, F. (2022). In the name of belonging: Developing Sheikh Radwan for the Refugees in Gaza City, 1967-1982. In L. Beeckmans, A. Gola, A. Singh, & H. Heynen (Eds.), Making Home(s) in Displacement: Critical reflections on a spatial practice (pp. 117-136). (Critical Reflections on a Spatial Practice). Leuven University Press.

Abreek-Zubiedat, F., & Avermaete, T. (2022). Concrete Conflicts: The Vicissitudes of an Ordinary Material in Modernizing Gaza City. Journal of Urban History, 48(5), 1159-1173.

Arditi, A., & Toch, E. (2022). Evaluating package delivery crowdsourcing using location traces in different population densities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 96, Article 101842.

Benarous, M., Toch, E., & Ben-Gal, I. (2022). Synthesis of Longitudinal Human Location Sequences: Balancing Utility and Privacy. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 16(6), Article 118.

Ben-Shahar, D., & Golan, R. (2022). Price dispersion and time-on-market in the housing market. Journal of Housing Economics, 58, Article 101875.

Blakeslee, D., Chaurey, R., Fishman, R., & Malik, S. (2022). Land Rezoning and Structural Transformation in Rural India: Evidence from the Industrial Areas Program. World Bank Economic Review, 36(2), 488-513.

Brara, R., & Parciack, R. (2022). Edgeways Logic: The Space and Language of In-betweenness in New Delhi’s Roadside Shrines. PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 18(1-2), 79-95.

Chebach, T. C., Ashkenazy, A., Tchetchik, A., & Blass, V. (2022). What Makes Farmers Follow the Standard? The Role of Regional Characteristics, Local Alternatives, and Policy Support in Non-State Market Driven Governance in the Arava, Israel. Geography Research Forum, 41(1), 117-151.

Fantalkin, A., & Tal, O. (2022). A Tale of Two Provinces: Judah and Edom during the Persian Period. In B. Hensel, E. Ben Zvi, & D. V. Edelman (Eds.), About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period: Recent Research and Approaches from Archaeology, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (pp. 177–214). (Worlds of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean). Equinox Publishing.

Feniger, N., & Kozlovsky, R. (2022). Detour along the Way: Obstacles and Knowledge Production at the Ayalon Highway. In E-C. Heine, & M. Meiske (Eds.), Beyond the Lab and the Field: Infrastructures as Places of Knowledge Production Since the Late Nineteenth Century (pp. 177-195). (Intersections: Histories of Environment). University of Pittsburgh Press.

Gansterer, M., Hartl, R. F., & Tzur, M. (2022). Transportation in the Sharing Economy. Transportation Science, 56(3), 567-570.

Hananel, R., Fishman, R., & Malovicki-Yaffe, N. (2022). Urban diversity and epidemic resilience: The case of the COVID-19. Cities, 122, Article 103526.

Harpaz, Y., & Nassar, I. (2022). Crossing borders, choosing identity: strategic self-presentation among Palestinian-Israelis travelling abroad. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(12), 2340-2361.

Hildesheim, E., Alon-Mozes, T., & Neuman, E. (2022). On, In, and Within a Place Six Modes of Operation in Israeli Conceptual Art and Landscape Architecture in the 1970s. Israel Studies Review, 37(1), 105-135.

Kaplan, N., Burg, D., & Omer, I. (2022). Multiscale accessibility and urban performance. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49(2), 687-703.

Kaspi, M., Raviv, T., & Ulmer, M. W. (2022). Directions for future research on urban mobility and city logistics. Networks, 79(3), 253-263.

Kaspi, M., Raviv, T., & Ulmer, M. W. (2022). Preface: Special issue on the future of city logistics and urban mobility. Networks, 79(3), 251-252.

Kemp, A., & Meissner, N. (2022). Paradoxes of control: Incorporating precarious migrants in Tel Aviv in times of restrictive migration policies. In Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Israel (pp. 351-363). Taylor and Francis.

Kemp, A., Resnik, J., & Sharabi, T. (2022). Urban governance of liminal legality comparing the incorporation of migrant children in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. Political Geography, 98, Article 102645.

Lavy, D., & Hananel, R. (2022). Homeownership for Whom? Going beyond the illusion of the conventional measurement. Habitat International, 130, Article 102713.

Letzter, J., & Neuman, E. (2022). Addition to historic building: A hermeneutic interpretation. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 9(1), Article 2079587.

Lugassi, R., Blank, A., Rogozovsky, I., Ohneiser, K., Ansmann, A., Linzon, Y., & Chudnovsky, A. (2022). From laboratory to in-situ 3D measurements of complex pollution states in the city: Introducing a general concept using compact multisensory assemblies on UAVs. Atmospheric Environment, 281, Article 119146.

Mager, A., & Blass, V. (2022). From Illegal Waste Dumps to Beneficial Resources Using Drone Technology and Advanced Data Analysis Tools: A Feasibility Study. Remote Sensing, 14(16), Article 3923.

Margalit, T. (2022). Israeli Real-Estate Buzz–Planning Discourse and Media Coverage. Planning Theory and Practice, 23(3), 349-367.

Mann, Y., & Hananel, R. (2022). Moving away from equality: The impact of planning and housing policy on internal migration and women's employment in Israel. Progress in Planning, 157, Article 100537.

Nachmany, H., & Hananel, R. (2022). The Fourth Generation: Urban renewal policies in the service of private developers. Habitat International, 125, Article 102580.

Nahmias-Biran, B. H., Dadashev, G., & Levi, Y. (2022). Demand Exploration of Automated Mobility On-Demand Services Using an Innovative Simulation Tool. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3, 580-591.

Ogulenko, A., Benenson, I., & Fulman, N. (2022). The nature of the on-street parking search. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 166, 48-68.

Orenstein, I., & Raviv, T. (2022). Parcel delivery using the hyperconnected service network. Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, Article 102716.

Abreek-Zubiedat, F., & Nitzan-Shiftan, A. (2022). Mediterraneanism in conflict: development and settlement of Palestinian refugees and Jewish immigrants in Gaza and Yamit. In T. Sorek (Ed.), Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel (1st. ed., pp. 69-89). (Ethnic and racial studies). Routledge.

Prasad, G., Mamane, H., & Ramesh, M. V. (2022). Geogenic and anthropogenic contamination of groundwater in a fragile eco-friendly region of southern Kerala, India. Agronomy Research, 20(Special Issue I), 1072-1089.

Rechavi, A., & Toch, E. (2022). Crowd logistics: Understanding auction-based pricing and couriers’ strategies in crowdsourcing package delivery. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, 26(2), 129-144.

Sadeh, M., Agay, N., Brauer, M., Chudnovsky, A., Ziv, A., & Dankner, R. (2022). Is health-related quality of life 1-year after coronary artery bypass graft surgery associated with living in a greener environment? Environmental Research, 212, Article 113364.

Serok, N., Havlin, S., & Blumenfeld Lieberthal, E. (2022). Identification, cost evaluation, and prioritization of urban traffic congestions and their origin. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 13026.

Ugolini, F., Massetti, L., Calaza-Martínez, P., Cariñanos, P., Dobbs, C., Krajter Ostoić, S., Marin, A. M., Pearlmutter, D., Saaroni, H., Šaulienė, I., Vuletić, D., & Sanesi, G. (2022). Understanding the benefits of public urban green space: How do perceptions vary between professionals and users? Landscape and Urban Planning, 228, Article 104575.

זיו, נ. (2022). התחדשות עירונית בישראל – דינמיקה של מרחב חברתי ורגולטורי. משפט חברה ותרבות, ה, 15-46.




Abreek-Zubiedat, F. (2021). The Micro-Politics of Mumbai’s Balconies and the Right to the City. gta papers, (5), 145-146.

Alfasi, N., & Margalit, T. (2021). Toward the sustainable metropolis: The challenge of planning regulation. Sustainability, 13(15), Article 8189.

Avisar, D., Pelta, R., Chudnovsky, A., & Rostkier-Edelstein, D. (2021). High Resolution WRF Simulations for the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Area Reveal the Urban Fingerprint in the Sea-Breeze Hodograph. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(5), Article e2020JD033691.

Ben-Dor, G., Ben-Elia, E., & Benenson, I. (2021). Population downscaling in multi-agent transportation simulations: A review and case study. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 108, Article 102233.

Benenson, I., & Fulman, N. (2021). The simple complex phenomenon of urban parking. In Handbook on Cities and Complexity (pp. 295-317). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Birenboim, A., Bloom, P. B. N., Levit, H., & Omer, I. (2021). The study of walking, walkability and wellbeing in immersive virtual environments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 1-18. Article 364.

Blank, Y. (2021). International legal personalitysubjectivity of cities. In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities (pp. 103-120). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Chudnovsky, A. A. (2021). Monitoring Air Pollution in the Urban Environment by Remote Sensing. In Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis, and Modeling in the Urban Environment, Second Edition (pp. 391-422). wiley.

Cohen, S., & Fenster, T. (2021). Architecture of care: social architecture and feminist ethics. Journal of Architecture, 26(3), 257-285.

Encarnação, S., Santos, F. P., Santos, F. C., Pereira, M., Pacheco, J. M., & Portugali, J. (2021). Evolutionary games in cities and urban planning. In Handbook on Cities and Complexity (pp. 349-369). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Francos, N., Romano, N., Nasta, P., Zeng, Y., Szabó, B., Manfreda, S., Ciraolo, G., Mészáros, J., Zhuang, R., Su, B., & Ben‐dor, E. (2021). Mapping water infiltration rate using ground and uav hyperspectral data: A case study of alento, italy. Remote Sensing, 13(13), Article 2606.

Fulman, N., & Benenson, I. (2021). Approximation Method for Estimating Search Times for On-Street Parking. Transportation Science, 55(5), 1046-1069.

Guan, G., Dery, Y., Yechezkel, M., Ben-Gal, I., Yamin, D., & Brandeau, M. L. (2021). Early detection of COVID-19 outbreaks using human mobility data. PLoS ONE, 16(7 July), Article e0253865.

Hananel, R. (2021). Bills, rights and housing policy: The evolution of israel’s seven-decade housing-related bills. Sustainability, 13(9), Article 4634.

Hananel, R., & Nachmany, H. (2021). Housing in the face of crisis: The influence of Israel's 2011 protest on housing policy. Political Geography, 90, Article 102460.

Hananel, R., Azary-Viesel, S., & Nachmany, H. (2021). Spatial gaps – Narrowing or widening? Changes in spatial dynamics in the new millennium. Land Use Policy, 109, Article 105693.

Harpaz, Y. (2021). Conspicuous Mobility: The Status Dimensions of the Global Passport Hierarchy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 697(1), 32-48.

Hatuka, T. (2021). Choosing a place. In Public Space Reader (pp. 190-197). Taylor and Francis.

Hatuka, T. (2021). Laissez-Faire Public Spaces: Designing Public Spaces for Calm and Stressful Times. Built Environment, 47(3), 392-401.

Hatuka, T. (2021). The New Industrial Urbanism. Architectural Design, 91(5), 14-23.

Hatuka, T., & Cole, M. D. (2021). Protesting in Times of Social Distance. Harvard Design Magazine, (49), 65-71.

Hatuka, T., Zur, H., & Mendoza, J. A. (2021). The urban digital lifestyle: An analytical framework for placing digital practices in a spatial context and for developing applicable policy. Cities, 111, Article 102978.

Kozlovsky, R. (2021). Comparative Architecture and Its Discontents. In Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative (Ed.), Writing architectural history: Evidence and narrative in architectural history (pp. 147-161). University of Pittsburgh Press.

Kumar, N., Oke, J., & Nahmias-Biran, B. H. (2021). Activity-based epidemic propagation and contact network scaling in auto-dependent metropolitan areas. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 22665.

Lernau, O., Shapiro, J., Paz, S., & Greenberg, R. (2021). Fishing, fish consumption, urbanism and migrants at Tel Bet Yerah, 3200-2700 BC. Antiquity, 95(382), 885-899.

Nahmias-Biran, B. H., Oke, J. B., & Kumar, N. (2021). Who benefits from AVs? Equity implications of automated vehicles policies in full-scale prototype cities. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 154, 92-107.

Nahmias-Biran, B. H., Oke, J. B., Kumar, N., Lima Azevedo, C., & Ben-Akiva, M. (2021). Evaluating the impacts of shared automated mobility on-demand services: an activity-based accessibility approach. Transportation, 48(4), 1613-1638.

Portugali, J. (2021). Homo faber, Homo ludens and the city: A SIRNIA view on urban planning and design. In Handbook on Cities and Complexity (pp. 370-390). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Portugali, J., & Haken, H. (2021). Synergetic cities. In Handbook on Cities and Complexity (pp. 108-135). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Sadeh, M., Brauer, M., Dankner, R., Fulman, N., & Chudnovsky, A. (2021). Remote sensing metrics to assess exposure to residential greenness in epidemiological studies: A population case study from the Eastern Mediterranean. Environment international, 146, Article 106270.

Schnell, I., Cohen, P., Mandelmilch, M., & Potchter, O. (2021). Portable - trackable methodologies for measuring personal and place exposure to nuisances in urban environments: Towards a people oriented paradigm. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 86, Article 101589.

Serok, N., Levy, O., Havlin, S., & Blumenfeld Lieberthal, E. (2021). Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: a new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning. In J. Portugali (Ed.), Handbook on Cities and Complexity (pp. 274-294). (Research handbooks in urban studies). Edgar Elgar Publishing.

Shamai, M., & Hananel, R. (2021). One+One+One=A lot: The cumulative effect of Israel's flagship urban renewal policy on neighborhood diversity. Land Use Policy, 100, Article 104916.

Shamai, M., & Hananel, R. (2021). Urban Renewal or Earthquake Preparedness: Lessons from Israel's National Master Plan for Earthquake Preparedness (TAMA 38). Cityscape, 23(2), 381-407.

Tchetchik, A., Kaplan, S., & Blass, V. (2021). Recycling and consumption reduction following the COVID-19 lockdown: The effect of threat and coping appraisal, past behavior and information. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, Article 105370.

Zeischka-Kenzler, A., Yohanan, H., Kenzler, H., Harpak, T., Yehuda, E., Scholkmann, B., & Tal, O. (2021). The Crusader Town of Arsur by the Sea: A German-Israeli Collaborative Project (2012–2016). In J. Kamlah, & A. Lichtenberger (Eds.), The Mediterranean Sea and the Southern Levant: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives from the Bronze Age to Medieval Times (pp. 337-360). (Abhandlungendes Deutschen Palästina-Vereins; Vol. 48). Harrassowitz.

זיו, נ., & רבינוביץ, מ. (2021). השכרה ארוכת טווח בישראל - תמונת מצב והערכת המדיניות הממשלתית. מקרקעין: כתב עת לענייני מקרקעין, כ'(4), 51-91.


Abreek-Zubiedat, F., & Nitzan-Shiftan, A. (2020). Being citizens of the City of Gaza: the resettlement of the Al-Shati Refugee Camp at Sheikh Radwan, 1967-1982. Citizenship Studies, 24(8), 1030-1046.



Adnan, M., Nahmias Biran, B. H., Baburajan, V., Basak, K., & Ben-Akiva, M. (2020). Examining impacts of time-based pricing strategies in public transportation: A study of Singapore. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 140, 127-141.

Ben-Arie, R., & Fenster, T. (2020). Politics of recognition in between antagonism and agonism: Exploring ‘mediated agonism’ in Jaffa. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(3), 405-422.

Ben-Shahar, D., Gabriel, S., & Golan, R. (2020). Can't get there from here: Affordability distance to a superstar city. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 80, 1-15. Article 103357.

Birnhack, M. (2020). Protecting Privacy in the Digital City. In T. Hatuka (Ed.), The Digital City: Critical Dimensions in Implementing the Smart City (pp. 64-99). Tel Aviv : Tel Aviv University, Blavtnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center ICRC.

Blank, Y. (2020). Urban legal autonomy and (de)globalization. Raisons Politiques, 79(3), 57-72.

Broitman, D., Benenson, I., & Czamanski, D. (2020). The Impact of Migration and Innovations on the Life Cycles and Size Distribution of Cities. International Regional Science Review, 43(5), 531-549.

Eden Almogi, S., & Fenster, T. (2020). The Psycho-Geographical Home: “Homemaking” In the Frontier. Home Cultures, 17(1), 45-68.

Fenster, T. (2020). The home in the Middle Eastern city: a contact zone of contradictory memories and belonging in Jaffa. In H. Yacobi, & M. Nasasra (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Middle East Cities (pp. 75-88). Routledge.

Fulman, N., & Benenson, I. (2020). Establishing and assessing adaptive parking prices in the city: Algorithms, software and examples. In Parking Regulation and Management: The Emerging Tool for a Sustainable City (pp. 46-61). Taylor and Francis.

Fulman, N., Benenson, I., & Ben Elia, E. (2020). Modeling parking search behavior in the city center: A game-based approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 120, Article 102800. Housing Economics, 58, Article 101875.

Gielman, S., Hagbi, Z., Dulitzky, Y., Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, E., & Eilam, D. (2020). How do rodents explore a three-dimensional environment? Habitat-dependent and direction-dependent differences. Behavioural Processes, 178, Article 104183.

Hananel, R. (2020). Public Housing in Israel: From Welfare State to Neoliberalism. Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale, Urbaine et Paysagère, 8.

Hatuka, T. (2020). Alternating narratives: the dynamic between public spaces, protests, and meanings. In V. Mehta, & D. Palazzo (Eds.), Companion to public space (pp. 358-365). Article 6198999 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Hatuka, T., & Zur, H. (2020). From smart cities to smart social urbanism: A framework for shaping the socio-technological ecosystems in cities. Telematics and Informatics, 55, Article 101430.

Hatuka, T., & Zur, H. (2020). Who is the ‘smart’ resident in the digital age? The varied profiles of users and non-users in the contemporary city. Urban Studies, 57(6), 1260-1283.

Kaplan, N., Burg, D., & Omer, I. (2020). The spatial organization of accessibility and functional hierarchy: The case of Israel. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, Article 101429.

Kozlovsky, R. (2020). Technology transfer of urban highways and interchange design in the 1960s: The case of the Ayalon Crosstown Expressway, Israel. Journal of Transport History, 41(3), 434-457.

Mandelmilch, M., Ferenz, M., Mandelmilch, N., & Potchter, O. (2020). Urban spatial patterns and heat exposure in the Mediterranean City of Tel Aviv. ATMOSPHERE, 11(9), Article 963.

Nahmias-Biran, B. H., & Shiftan, Y. (2020). Using activity-based models and the capability approach to evaluate equity considerations in transportation projects. Transportation, 47(5), 2287-2305.

Piasetzky-David, M., Fischer, M., Taxel, I., Jackson-Tal, R. E., Tal, O., Efraimov, I., May, H., Ziffer, I., & Golyźniak, P. (2020). Roman and Byzantine Burials at Yavneh-Yam: New Insights into the Site’s Settlement History. Liber annuus, 70, 469-577.

Purian, R., & Ronen, O. (2020). Between means and ends - Sustainable and smart cities in flux. Geography Research Forum, 40(1), 1-17.

Sharon, A., & Ronen, O. (2020). Municipal innovation and sustainability readiness: Results from a study of mediterranean cities. Geography Research Forum, 40(1), 149-169.

Shoked, N. (2020). Design and contestation in the Jewish settlement of Hebron, 1967-87. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 79(1), 82-102. Article 61.

Toch, E., Chassidim, H., & Hatuka, T. (2020). Can you Turn it Off? The Spatial and Social Context of Mobile Disturbance. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(CSCW2), Article 91.

Ugolini, F., Massetti, L., Calaza-Martínez, P., Cariñanos, P., Dobbs, C., Ostoic, S. K., Marin, A. M., Pearlmutter, D., Saaroni, H., Šaulienė, I., Simoneti, M., Verlič, A., Vuletić, D., & Sanesi, G. (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use and perceptions of urban green space: An international exploratory study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 56, Article 126888.




Ben-Elia, E., & Benenson, I. (2019). A spatially-explicit method for analyzing the equity of transit commuters' accessibility. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 120, 31-42.

Benenson, I., & Omer, I. (2019). Measuring individual segregation in space-a formal approach and case study. In Studies in Segregation and Desegregation (pp. 11-38). Taylor and Francis.

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