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Urban Researchers at TAU



Emergence of early complex societies, Early Bronze Age migration and interaction, Archaeology of Jerusalem, The significance of archaeology in Israeli society




History, theory and criticism of architecture in colonial contexts, with a focus on Spaces-in-Transition in conflict zones, aid and humanitarianisms in the global south, forced movement and its materialization in refugee camps. 


Complexity to urban environments; urban morphology; size distribution of entities in complex systems; complex networks in urban systems, and smart cities.

DrRoy Kozlovsky.png

Architectural design research.

Prof. Talia Margalith.png

Planning communications, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Urban development politics.

Prof. Eran Neuman.png

Architectural design research.

Dr. Noam Shoked.png

The relationship between politics and the built environment. He is currently completing a book about the design and evolution of West Bank settlements.


Prof. Irad E. Ben Gal.png

Processes connecting urban built environments to spatial behavior and cognition, movement, and the formation of social and functional urban areas, by using and developing agent-based models and spatial analysis methods based on geographic information.


The development of novel technologies for water treatment by disinfection and oxidation of contaminated water and wastewater and by conversion of waste (agriculture, paper, and textile waste) to biofuels, by using solar, UV, and visible photons, free radicals, oxidants, nanoparticles, and multifunctional materials.


Director of the Shlomo Shmelzer Institute for Smart Transportation at Tel Aviv University.


Operations research, Transportation and Logistics.

Prof. Eran Toch.png

Usable privacy and security: identifying and providing solutions for online safety. Human-AI interaction: Analyzing patterns of interactions between humans and Artificial Intelligence infused systems. Privacy engineering: Developing and assessing new methods to build systems that respect people’s privacy. Mobile computing and smart cities: understanding the potential of mobile computing to solve logistical and urban challenges.

Prof. Michal Tzur.png

Humanitarian Logistics, Vehicle Sharing Systems, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, Transportation Systems, Transshipments.


Faculty of Law 

Prof. Yishai Blank.png

Local Government Law, Administrative Law, Global Cities, Urban Legal Policy, Law and Secularism, and Legal Theory.

Prof. Michael Birnhack.png

Privacy in the Digital City.

Prof. Neta Ziv.png

Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, Law & Social Change, Disability Law and Studies, Human Rights.


Geography and the Human Environment 

Eyal Ben Dor.jpg

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Earth.


Big Spatial Data and Urban Modeling.

Prof. Alexandra Chudnovsky.png

Monitoring the urban air quality using combined, passive and active remote sensing means.

Prof. Tova Fenster.png

Just and Sustainable Cities, Working with Communities Methodologies, Conflicts in Cities on issues of Memory and Belonging, Gender and the City, Art in Urban Planning.

Prof. Revital Tali Hatuka.png

City Design in the Digital Age, Public Sphere and Social Dynamics, Industrial Development and Urbanism, Urban Regeneration, Visioning and the Future City.


Urban modeling, spatial behavior and spatial cognition, urban morphology, movement , urban complexity and social geography of the city.


Urbanism, Theories of complexity and self-organization, Cognitive geography and mapping, Socio-spatial change, Spatial and regional archaeology, Complexity theories of cities (CTC), Complexity, cognition and the city.

Prof. Oded Potchter.png

The connections between climate, humans, and the environment. He is active in education, teaching, and research in applied climatology, bioclimatology, climate- and environment-adapted planning, and environmental problems.



Prof. Bilha Melman.png

British and Western European cultural and social history, popular culture with an emphasis on visual and material history, and colonialism and gender.


Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences 

vered blass.png

Handling electronic waste and analyzing managerial decision-making processes relating to environmental impacts, switching to new business models that bring to decoupling of economic growth from environmental impacts, to assessing energy alternatives for transportation in Israel.

Dr. Nahmias-Biran Bat-hen.png

Large-scale complex urban and transportation systems, state-of-the-art evaluation tools, smart/future/automated mobility solutions, sustainable transport policies, transport and environmental equity, sensing and predictive modelling

Dr. Orli Ronen Rotem.png

The Laboratory for Innovation & Urban Sustainability

public policy

Public Policy 

Prof. Ravit Hananel.png

Land policy; urban, regional and housing policy; urban renewal; public housing; affordable housing.


Leadership; the relationships between the central and the local governments; legislative branch (parliament). Head of the Institute for Local Government at Tel Aviv University.


School of Management

Prof. Danny Ben-Shahar.png

Real Estate and Urban Economics, Housing affordability, Rational and Irrational behavior in Real-estate markets

Prof. Moshe Zviran.png

Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Information and Cyber Security and Information Systems Planning and Policy. Head of the Bloomberg Sagol Initiative for City Leadership at Tel Aviv University


Sociology and Anthropology

Prof. Adriana Kemp.png

Intersections between labor and forced migration, citizenship and civil society, and scholarship on the re-scaling of politics and urban governance, Urban Sociology.

Dr. Yossi Harpaz.png

Globalization, Political Sociology, Immigration, Nationalism, Ethnicity, Culture, Social Theory, Historical-Comparative Sociology, Elites.

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