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Seminars & Courses

Throughout the academic years, City Center holds seminars and courses on various issues related to cities and urbanism. For more details, do not hesitate contacting us.

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July-August 2019

The course proposed ways in which smartification, i.e., extensive use of sensors, on-demand location-based services, crowd-sourcing, and mechanismdesign in data collection, analytics and automation—can address current challenges of cities.

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18 December 2018

Nature, hydrology and urban planning: City Center seminar with Dr. Yaron Zinger, Center for Water Sensitive Cities

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July-August 2018

The summer course on Smart Cities gathered 20 students from all over the world and took place in Tel Aviv University. The program included the participation of startups and the high-tech industry, Tel Aviv municipality's various divisions, lectures and labs.

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20 February 2018

A lecture by:

  • Prof. Danny Ben-Shahar, Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research (Coller School of Management): New Evidence on Housing Affordability Inequality​

  • Commentator: Prof. Neta Ziv, Hagar Affordable Housing Center (Buchmann Faculty of Law)

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19 December 2017

A leccture by:

Prof. Moshe Zuckermann (History and Philosophy of Science Inst.): Berlin: Historical, political and urban aspects

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29 October 2017

Lectures by:

  • Dr. Miri Yemini (School of Education): Global Citizenship in the Urban Area. 

  • Dr. Yossi Harpaz (Department of Sociology): Western Citizenship as a Global Resource. 

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21 May 2017

View from Afar, View Up-Close: Emerging Urbanism in China

The seminar offered two presentations on emerging urbanism in China and discussed processes of urbanization in contemporary China and new musical trends in Shanghai.

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30 March 2017

The seminar brought together academic researchers, planners, municipal and regional professionals, and the general public for a two lecture presentation and discussion event that focused on the challenges of combating corruption on the regional level.


8 May 2016

Seminar on Cities and History

Lectures by:

  • Prof. Rafi Greenberg (Dep. of Archeology) Archeology of the City and In the City: Strategy Tactics and Politics

  •  Billy Melman (Dep. of History)
    Dig: Cities, Archeology and Development in the 19th and 20th Centuries

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5 April 2016

Seminar on Cities in Perception, Cities in Discussion

A seminar under the title Cities in Perception, Cities in Discussion: Researching Objections, Justifications and Cognition with two lectures by:

  • Dr. Efrat Blumenfeld-Liberthal (Dep. of Architechture): Using virtual reality systems in real-time urban research

  • Dr. Talia Margalit (Dep. of Architechture) & Dr. Adriana Kemp (Dep. of Sociology): Planning and social stratification: objections and the justifications of the planning system towards different populations in Israel

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14 March 2016

Seminar on Smart Cities

Lectures by:

  • Prof. Eyal Ben Dor (Dep. of Geography & the Human Environment): Hyperspectral remote sensing technology for urban uses: theory and potential

  • Dr. Eran Toch (Dep. of Industrial Engineering)Human Location tracking in the Smart City: potential and privacy risks

  • Commentator: Dr. Erez Shmueli (Dep. of Industrial Engineering)​

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3 January 2016

Prof. Joseph [Yossi] Berechman and Prof. Itzhak Benenson discussed two current problems in the field of transportation in the city: financing of infrastructure projects and parking finding technology.


16 December 2015

A special guest lecture by:

Prof. Michael Batty (CASA, University College London) on Smart Cities

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29 November 2015

Seminar on Complexity, Cities, Mice & Men

​Lectures by:

  • Prof. Juval Portugali (Faculty of Geography and the Human Environment)
    “What makes a city complex?”

  • Prof. David Eilam (Dep. Of Zoology)
    “The city mouse and the village mouse”

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14 June 2015

Seminar on Cities and Issues of Justice

A seminar on urban history, community identity and social class in urban renewal with lectures by:

  • Prof. Neta Ziv (Faculty of Law): “Urbanism and community empowerment – resident participation in urban renewal projects in Jaffa”

  • Prof. Tovi Fenster (Dep. Of Geography and Human Environment): “Urban history – Urban Renewal: Recognition and social ability of urban citizens”


17 May 2015

"Cities on the Move" Seminar 

Lecture by:

  • Prof. Itzhak Omer (Dep. of Geography and Human Environment): “Movement Prediction in the City, Cognitive Representation, and the Links Between Them”

  • Dr. Tal Raviv (Dep. of Industrial Engineering): “Operating Bike-Sharing Systems”

  • Dr. Moshe Givoni (Dep. Of Geography and Human Environment): “Integration between Urban and Inter-City Transportation: the Train Station as a Strategic Point in the City”

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