City Center declared the 2022-2023 academic year research students' excellence prize competition, to encourage extended research on cities and urbanism among Tel Aviv University's future scholars.
Prize candidates were evaluated by a judging committee according to the proposal's quality and its affiliation to the urban field of research.
The winners of the 2022-2023 academic year research students' excellence prize are:
Doctoral students
1st prize
Nimrod Serok | School of Architecture
Identification, cost evaluation, and prioritization of urban traffic congestions and their origin
2nd prize
Rani Mandelbaum | School of Architecture
Planning in Crisis: The Impact of Crisis Discourse on the Shaping of Urban Space in Israel and Italy
3rd prize
Golan Ben-Dor | Geography and the Human Environment
Dynamic metropolitan simulation for the adoption of shared-automatic-vehicles in a multi-modal transport system (in Hebrew)
Master's degree students
1st prize
Naomi Sternberg | Middle Eastern and African History
Women between the private and the public: urban women in Palestina/EY in liminal spaces (1860-1920) (in Hebrew)
2nd prize
Osher Lapid | School of Architecture
Tel Aviv's Condominiums' shared roofs space (in Hebrew)
3rd prize
Eyal Migdalovich | School of Architecture
Tel Aviv-Yaffo local planning committee and the link to donations and clients of the council members