City Center's Research Students Forum meeting
2024 - First Session
City Center's Research Students Forum meeting
4 June 2024 | Tel Aviv University
16:00-16:10 Coffee and mingling
16:10-16:15 Prof. Juval Portugali, Head of City Center
Welcome and opening remarks
16:15-16:35 Shahaf Amir, the Dan Department of Communication
Two states for two cities? The representation of the term "State of Tel Aviv"
in Israeli digital media between 2019-2023 | Abstract (in Hebrew) >
16:35-16:55 Noa Mali, School of Architecture
Suburbanization, privatization, and American influence on settlements -
Efrat as a case study | Abstract (in Hebrew) >
16:55-17:15 Ori Balterbarth, School of Architecture
The conversion of mosques to synagogues in Israeli cities | Abstract (in Hebrew) >
17:15 Open discussion
Event to be held in Hebrew.
Click here to access the event's invitation (in Hebrew) >

Water & Cities
City Center invites you to a virtual meeting on water and cities.
27 May 2021, 11:30 IL Time / 14:00 IND Time | Via Zoom
The event is part of a series of meetings organized by City Center and our IITM colleagues between researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras (IITM). This session is the 1st thematical IITM & TAU Students' Forum meeting, dedicated to water.
The IITM & TAU Students' Forum brings together students from IITM and TAU whose research is linked to cities and urbanism. The students' forum aims to generate a diverse discussion under the main theme of cities.
In the upcoming meeting, four IITM & TAU forum members will be presenting their work:
Asaf Pras (TAU): Nowcasting fecal coliforms presence using Artificial Neuron Networks, in India
Sreethu Subrahmanian (IITM): Hydrological Modelling and Development of Comprehensive Design Solutions for Improving the Resilience of Urban Catchments to Pluvial Floods
Dana Pousty (TAU): Considerations for adaptation of UV technologies in low-income countries
Krushil Modi (IITM): Design of Sustainable Urban Drainage System for mixed land use setting
Each presentation will last 15 minutes. A short Q&A session will follow.
The meeting will be conducted in English.
Leading water research scholars will participate in the event. We invite you to be a part of it!
Photo credit: "fountain" image by tama66 from pixabay

City Center's Research Students Forum 2024
Join City Center's research students forum and present your research at the first forum meeting for 2024. This is an opportunity to join the university database of
researchers and activity on cities and urbanism at Tel Aviv University
Coming up...
City Center invites you to present your research at the first meeting of our Research Student Forum for 2024.
Master and PhD students from all faculties and schools at Tel Aviv University, whose research has direct or indirect relation to the field of cities and urbanism , are invited to give a 20-minute lecture to present their research. The offer is open to male and female students. The meeting will take place towards the end of the 1st semester of 2024 (on March). Final details to be announced.
To register and apply, join to the students forum through this electronic form >
Please attach an abstract of up to 350 words about your research through the electronic form.
you can also indicate whether you would like to present your research at the upcoming meeting or future forum meetings.
To join the the forum activity please fill out the following electronic form >
City center seeks to encourage and supports any research activity at Tel Aviv University that deals with cities and urbanism. Join the university database along research students and senior researchers, and share your academic work by filling out the electronic form. For any question, please contact us at: urban@tauex.tau.ac.il
Image credit: City-Image by Tobias Rehbein from Pixabay

City Center's Research Students Forum meeting
Second Session
Join City Center's Research Students Forum second meeting.
22 January 2020 | Tel Aviv University
15:45-16:10 Coffee and mingling
16:10-16:40 Inbal Gadish: Thermal comfort in the public space in a business complex under renewal
16:40-17:10 Rina Magen: Influence of spatial characteristics on social functions of neighborhood genes
17:10 Open discussion

City Center's Research Students Forum meeting
First Session
Join City Center's Research Students Forum first meeting
18 December 2019 | Tel Aviv University
16:00-16:13 Coffee and mingling
16:30-17:00 Or Yatzkan, the department of geography and human environment Urban Scaling of Cities
17:30-17:30 Tomer Rabinowitz, school of architecture Navigating the Fractal City
17:10 Open discussion
Event to be held in Hebrew.
Photos from the event:
2018 City Center Scholarship Research
Students Conference
TAU City Center's 3rd Annual Conference for Research Students
22 January 2018 | Tel Aviv University
Throughout the campus there are dozens of research students, doctoral and master's students, who study different and varied angles of the city and urbanism. In January 2018, the City Center will hold a unique meeting of its kind for these researchers, in which they will present their work and deal with common issues.
We invite you and all researchers and research students at Tel Aviv University to participate in the seminar, which is taking place at the university for the third year, in order to expand horizons, break through frameworks, and contribute to the emerging research in the city and urbanism.
10:00-10:10 Opening remarks: Prof. Yitzhak Omer
10:10-11:10 Social Aspects | Chairperson: Dr. Ronit Purian
Maayan Mizrahi, MA in Education Policy: The Parental Experience in the Global Middle Class in Israel
Rivka Shlisselberg, MA in Environmental Studies: Mobility Capital among Jewish Women in Israel
Uriah Bar-Meir, MA in History: Urban Politics in the Battle for Her Life – The Struggle to Abolish the Greater London Council
11:10-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:50 Technological and behavioral aspects | Chairperson: Prof. Yitzhak Omer
Jonathan Dortheimer, PhD in Architecture: Crowdsourcing as a Collaborative Design Method in Architecture
Nir Fulman, PhD in Geography and Human Environment: The Main Reason for Long Parking Search Times
Shahaf Donio, Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Benefit, Privacy and Equality in the Smart City
Ayelet Arditi, Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management: Evaluating the potential
and performance of a crowdsourcing system for sending packages using cellular data analysis
12:50-13:10 Coffee break
13:10-13:50 Environmental Health | Chairperson: Prof. Oded Potchter
Ashkar Eliyahu-Handler, MA in Environmental Studies: Brown Soils – The Impact of Soil Pollution from Industrial Sources on Tel Aviv's Urban Space
Maya Sadeh, PhD in Public Health: The relationship between a green living environment and physical activity among coronary heart disease patients who underwent bypass surgery
Omer Ben-Nun, MA in Environmental Studies: Analyzing the "Urban Heat Island" in Beer Sheva Using Sorting into Local Climate Zones (LCZ)
14:10-14:30 Concluding discussion
Photo credit: Image by (Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay

2017 City Center Scholarship Research
Students Seminar
TAU City Center's special scholarships seminar
22 November 2017 | Tel Aviv University
10:00 Gathering
10:15 Mariela Yabo, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Welfare to Engineering – Pioneering, Professionalization and Institutionalization of Accessibility for
People with Disabilities in the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality
10:45 Lior Turgeman, School of Environmental Studies
Food production and consumption using advanced methods in home growing in the urban sector – the impact of messages on initial adoption and environmental impacts
11:15 Golan Ben-Dor, Department of Geography and the Human Environment
Implementation of the MATSim Model for Simulating Public Transportation in Metropolitan Tel Aviv Following the Construction of the Light Rail
11:45 Chemi Schiff, Department of Geography and Human Environment and Department of Archaeology
Conservation and Archaeology as Neoliberal Practices – Urban Renewal and Identity Construction in Tel Aviv-Yafo and Jerusalem 12:15 Discussion and conclusion
Photo credit: Image by Pexels from Pixabay

First Conference of Research Students on
Cities and Urbanism
The first conference of research students in the fields of cities and urbanism
18 January 2016 | Tel Aviv University
Throughout the campus, dozens of research students, doctoral students and graduate students are researching different and varied angles of the city and urban questions. On January 18th, 2016, City Center will hold a first-of-its-kind meeting of these young researchers, in which they will present their work and deal with common issues.
The seminar will be held on Monday, 01/18/2016 (the first day of the semester break), at 11:45-18:15 at the Faculty of Law, Trubowitz Building, room 307. All research students, faculty members, undergraduates and the general public are invited to take part in the conference and get to know firsthand the most innovative research on the urban issue from around the university.
11:45 Gathering
12:00 Opening | Prof. Juval Portugali, Department of Geography and the Human Environment,
head of City Center
Session 1 Smart transportation systems - Chairman | Prof. Neta Ziv
12:15 Yuval Elbar: Scheduling a Mixed Urban Transit Fleet with Battery and Diesel Powered Buses
12:35 Nimrod Sarok: Methods for researching the complexity of the city
12:55 Eyal Feder: The Complexity of Smart Cities – A Bottom Up Model for Smart Cities Using Information and Self Organization
Session 2 Planning aspects - Chairman | Ophir Pines - Paz
13:25 Merav Kedar: Microgeographies of recognition in divided spaces
13:45 Alon Goldenberg: The built space - its form and perception from a topological viewpoint
14:05 Talia Kaufman: Quantitative Land Use Planning
14:25 Kayes Nasser: Conservatism versus innovation in the planning of the Arab settlements in Israel
Session 3 Population and urban environment - Chairman | Dr. Talia Margalit
15:15 Guy Shani: Class in the city or urban class - a sociological look at the residential choices of the middle class in the cities of Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva
15:35 Marina Polinovski: Legal Transplantation of Best Practices: The Test Case of Management Orders for Empty Homes
15:55 Diana Saadi: The effects of visits to the park on stress and health among Arab mothers in the State of Israel
16:15 Hadas Zur: Topography of invisible prostitution in the city of Tel Aviv
Session 4 History, preservation and urban renewal - Chairman | Prof. Tovi Fenster
16:45 Noa Kaufman: "Ireland in London": Irish culture in the metropolis, 1880-1914
17:05 Assaf Mond: The changes in the urban space of London - during the First World War, 1914-1918
17:25 Yara Saadi: Authenticity, planning and colonialism
17:45 Efrat Vartesh: Conservation in the heart of Tel Aviv - implementation mechanisms and social -
spatial price
18:05 Summary
Event to be conducted in Hebrew.
Photo credit: Image by 정훈 김 from Pixabay