February 22, 2022
16:00-17:30 IL time
Tel Aviv
By Anat Goldman

The Genealogy of residential buildings’ facades in Tel Aviv
This presentation examines the process of Tel-Aviv’s built environment and its transformation as captured in residential building façades from the late 1920s to the present. It summarizes a documentary research of more than 600 buildings and condenses the typical building façades into a visual genealogy assembled of merely nine types. It is innovative mainly since it suggests a non- standard observation of the local built heritage not through the routine perspective of form and style, but through a cross-stylistic topological approach.
The lecture will present the genealogy of this reduced nucleus of typical façade types, with its chronological order of appearance, and discuss (time permitting) the various expressions of balconies and columns-floors in those buildings.

Anat Goldman
Architect Anat Goldman recently submitted her Ph.D. research project titled “Patterns of Morphological Changes of the Urban Environment in Tel-Aviv“ at the Azrieli School of Architecture in Tel-Aviv University, where she also teaches. Her research interests include urban morphology, urban dynamics and cultural evolution.