May 26, 2022
16:00-17:30 IL time
By Peter Elias

Pathways for Co-designing Knowledge Generation and Use for Sustainable Urban Development in Africa
Achieving sustainable urban development in Africa is impeded because of a process of knowledge generation and use which is highly fragmented. This paper is part of a research conducted in the cities of Accra and Lagos to explicate the pathways for co-designing knowledge generation and use for sustainable urban development in Africa. It uses trans-disciplinary research approach to identify different data sources and communities, actors, and institutions for the co-framing, -design and -production of knowledge. The paper recommends a methodogical framework which brings together different stakeholders to reconcile existing power relations, improve social learning, and interrupt disjointed urban data governance.

Peter Elias
Peter Elias holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Team Lead, Lagos Urban Studies Group (LUSG), University of Lagos. He is an Urban and Regional Planner and a Development Geographer. He uses his expertise in transdisciplinary research for Deprived Area Mapping at the City or Neighbourhood Level, Co-design and Co-production of Knowledge, Citizen Generated Data, Stakeholders’ Engagement, and Urban Data Governance Framework. He is a senior Lecturer in Regional Planning and Development Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Lagos, Nigeria, Team Lead, Lagos Urban Studies Group (LUSG), Lagos, Nigeria, Co-Chair, CODATA-WDS TG on Data from Participatory Mapping for the SDGs and Knowledge Task Group, West African Coordinator, Citizen Science African Association.