General Information
Please contact us for any further information or inquiry.

Abstracts and papers
Speakers will first be asked to send an abstract of their presentation and then a short (2000-3000 words) paper. The latter papers will be distributed among the conference participants. Following the conference, the authors will extend their texts into full-scale papers (5000-7000 words) that will then be published as a book.
July 2021
Submission of abstracts
August 2021
Submission of short papers
August & September 2021
November 2021
Submission of full papers

Suggested Topics
Possible Topics for Sessions or Discussions
The view from urban studies
The view from complexity
The view from complexity theories of cities
Aspects of city planning
National vs. local (city) governments
Digital society and democracy
Personal privacy vs societal knowledge
Online or hybrid conference?
Covid-19 Adaptations
Presently, we plan the conference as an online conference. However, depending on the course of the pandemic, we consider also a hybrid conference, that will take place as an on-site conference in Tel Aviv and at the same time as a fully digital, interactive conference with access to all scientific sessions.