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Please click each name for a short bio.
Click the title of each talk to view the abstract.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
16:00-16:10 Opening
16:00-16:05 Juval Portugali, Conference chair: Welcome and Foreword
16:05-16:10 Milette Shamir, TAU Vice President: Greetings
16:10-17:30 Session 1 Background
Chair: Juval Portugali
16:10-16:30 Juval Portugali: The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities -
an overview
16:30-16:55 Irad Malkin: The ancient Greek lottery and modern democracies
16:55-17:20 Michael Batty: The End of Empire and the Age of Cities
17:20-17:30 Open Discussion
17:30-17:45 -- Break --
17:45-19:15 Session 2 Cities & democracy
Chair: Ashwin Mahalingam
17:45-18:10 Saskia Sassen: In the Shadow of Master Categories
18:10-18:35 Gert de Roo: Perfect or perverse? The search for a match between democracy and urban planning
18:35-19:00 Sudhir Chella Rajan: Land, territory and masculinities – a brief
history of North Indian urbanisms after Aurangzeb
19:00-19:15 Open Discussion
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
16:00-17:30 Session 3 Complexity theory & democracy
Chair: Itzhak Omer
16:00-16:25 Karoline Wiesner: Stability of democracies: a complex systems perspective
16:25-16:50 Juval Portugali & Herman Haken: A Synergetic cities' view on the
16:50-16:15 Sara Encarnação et al.: A Game Theoretic Perspective on
17:15-17:30 Open Discussion
17:30-17:45 -- Break --
17:45-19:15 Session 4 Smart cities
Chair: Efrat Blumenfeld Lieberthal
17:45-18:10 Luis Bettencourt: The (constant) reinvention of Politics in cities:
why the internet needs to become more urban
18:10-18:35 Charlie Catlett: Automated Cities: Can Smarter be Better?
18:35-19:00 Carlos Gershenson: Post-pandemic cities
19:00-19:15 Open Discussion
Thursday, September 2, 2021
16:00-17:30 Session 5 Urban governance
Chair: Neta Ziv
16:00-16:25 Ashwin Mahalingam: Urban Public Private Partnerships -
16:25-16:50 Yishai Blank: The Legal Roles of Cities in De/Globalization
16:50-17:15 Ophir Pines-Paz & Sagit Azary-Viesel​: Decentralization - from
17:15-17:30 Open Discussion
17:30-17:45 -- Break --
17:45-19:15 Session 6 Social and political dimensions
Chair: Yael Bulis
17:45-18:10 Sabine Knierbein: Cities Under Pressure - Alter Politics, Counter
18:10-18:35 Solomon J. Benjamin: City as Majority Spaces: Constructing
18:35-19:00 Talia Margalit & Jesse Fox: Planning knowledge in Israeli mass media: between democratization, technocracy and populism
19:00-19:15 Open Discussion
19:15-19:30 Farewell Note: Juval Portugali, Conference chair