Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
Click each title to view the abstract
Welcome note
12:00-12:10 IL
14:30-14:40 IND
Juval Portugali & Ashwin Mahalingam
Greetings and foreword
Session 1
Classic PPP
12:10-12:20 IL
14:40-14:50 IND
Ashwin Mahalingam
Urban Public Private Partnerships - old and new perspectives >
12:20-12:40 IL
14:50-15:10 IND
12:40-13:00 IL
15:10-15:30 IND
Carlos Oliveira Cruz
13:00-13:20 IL
15:30-15:50 IND
13:20-13:40 IL
15:50-16:10 IND
Fernando P. Santos
Public, private and civil strategic dynamics in city governance >
13:40-13:50 IL
16:10-16:20 IND
Open discussion
13:50-14:10 IL
16:20-16:40 IND
Session 2
Social PPP & NGOs
14:10-14:30 IL
16:40-17:00 IND
Ronen Mandelkern
PPP in public services: concentration instead of competition? >
14:30-14:50 IL
17:00-17:20 IND
Juval Portugali
Urban planning: A concise history of
the relations between the Public, Private and Civil sectors >
14:50-15:10 IL
17:20-17:40 IND
Balaraman Jayaraman
15:10-15:30 IL
17:40-18:00 IND
Vikram Kapur
15:30-15:40 IL
18:00-18:10 IND
Open Discussion
Concluding note
15:40-15:50 IL
18:10-18:20 IND
Juval Portugali & Ashwin Mahalingam
Wrap-up & farewell