Click the list or scroll down to see the program for the lectures in the series.
Time is displayed in Israel time [UTC/GMT +2:00 hours], check your local time here>
Click the titles to see the abstracts for the talks and the names for information about the speakers.

February 22, 2022
Tel Aviv, Israel
16:00-16:10 Welcome note | Juval Portugali
16:10-16:20 Greetings | Raanan Rein
16:20-16:40 The local dimensions of cities | Juval Portugali
16:40-17:20 The Genealogy of residential buildings’ facades in Tel Aviv | Anat Goldman
17:20-17:30 Q&A + Open discussion
March 30, 2022
Mexico City, Mexico
17:00-17:10 Opening | Chair (TBD)
17:10-17:50 The multi-scale evolution of human settlements | Carlos Gershenson
17:50-18:10 Commentary | TBD
18:10-18:30 Q&A + Open discussion

April 26, 2022

Madrid, Spain
Chair | Juval Portugali
16:00-16:10 Opening | Nadine Kuperty-Tsur
16:10-17:00 Madrid villa y corte, the glocal city | Javier Ruiz Sánchez
17:00-17:15 Commentary | Inbal Ofer
17:15-17:30 Q&A + Open discussion
Lagos. Nigeria
May 26, 2022
16:00-16:10 Opening | Chair (TBD)
16:10-17:00 Pathways for Co-designing Knowledge Generation and Use for Sustainable Urban Development in Africa | Peter Elias
17:00-17:20 Commentary | TBD
17:20-17:30 Q&A + Open discussion

GBA, China
June 9, 2022
12:00-10:10 Opening remarks
Nadine Kuperty-Tsur | Head of the Daniel Abraham Center
Juval Portugali | Head of City Center
12:10-13:00 Infrastructure Development of Guangdong-
Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area | Hui Lin
13:05-13:30 Q&A + Open discussion