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ISF Workshop: Urban innovation through

walkability and spatial cognition

September 19-21, 2022, Tel Aviv University

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Prof. Juval Portugali


Juval Portugali, Professor of Human Geography at the Department of Geography and the Human Environment Tel Aviv University. Head of the Environmental Simulation Laboratory (ESLab) and Head of City Center –Tel Aviv University center for cities and urbanism. Juval Portugali received his BA degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, did his MA studies at the Technion Haifa, and received a London University PhD from The London School of Economics and Political sciences. His research integrates complexity and self-organization theories, environmental-spatial cognition, urban dynamics and planning in modern and ancient periods. His publications include some 100 research articles and 20 scientific books.

Notes on walking, walkability, cognition and the city


Walkability is a property of the environment that recently came to the fore in the context of urban planning and design. Its main aim in that context is to measure the “the extent to which the built environment is friendly to people who walk, which benefits the health of residents and increases the ‘liveability’ of cities..” (Wang and Yang 2019). My aim in this talk is threefold: Firstly, to show the fallaciousness of the planning/design approach to walkability as currently practiced. Secondly, to elaborate on the cognitive dimensions of walking and of walkability – specifically from the perspective of embodied cognition. Thirdly, to explore the implications thereof to the dynamic of cities as hybrid complex systems.

(Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, 12:00-13:30 IL)

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