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ISF Workshop: Urban innovation through

walkability and spatial cognition

September 19-21, 2022, Tel Aviv University

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Prof. Itzhak Omer


Itzhak Omer is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Human Environment and Head of the Urban Space Analysis Laboratory at Tel Aviv University. His researches conducts on spatial behavior in an urban environment with a focus on the relationship between movement and the morphological, functional and environmental characteristics of the urban Environment.

The areas of his academic interest include: urban morphology, urban movement, pedestrian modeling, agent-based urban models, spatial behavior, spatial perception and cognition, urban systems and Israeli cities. Prof. Omer received his Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University (with distinction).


Academic and conceptual background

Itzhak Omer is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Human Environment and Head of the Urban Space Analysis Laboratory at Tel Aviv University. His researches conducts on spatial behavior in an urban environment with a focus on the relationship between movement and the morphological, functional and environmental characteristics of the urban Environment.

The areas of his academic interest include: urban morphology, urban movement, pedestrian modeling, agent-based urban models, spatial behavior, spatial perception and cognition, urban systems and Israeli cities. Prof. Omer received his Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University (with distinction).

Session 1: Opening (Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, 10:00-11:30 IL)

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